Price Lists

Te Awamutu Price List:

Bone Density Scan

DEXA Bone Mineral Density Scan
30 minute appointment.

Body Composition - Initial Scan

Full body composition scan with brief explanation of results. For all clients who have not had a body composition scan with Bone & Body Blueprint previously.
30 minute appointment.

Body Composition - Follow-Up Scan

Follow-up body composition scan to be booked within 6 months of initial scan at Bone & Body Blueprint.
30 minute appointment.

Bone Density Scan & Body Composition Scan Combo

DEXA bone mineral density scan & body composition initial scan.
45 minute appointment.

Pukekohe Price List:

Bone Density Scan

DEXA Bone Mineral Density Scan
30 minute appointment.

Body Composition - Initial Scan

Full body composition scan with brief explanation of results. For all clients who have not had a body composition scan with Bone & Body Blueprint previously.
30 minute appointment.

Body Composition - Follow-Up Scan

Follow-up body composition scan to be booked within 6 months of initial scan at Bone & Body Blueprint.
30 minute appointment.

Bone Density Scan & Body Composition Scan Combo

DEXA bone mineral density scan & body composition initial scan.
45 minute appointment.

Prices shown are in $NZD, include GST and are subject to change without notice.